Five Ways To Refocus Your Fitness Routine This Fall
January may technically be the calendar marker for a new year, but there’s something about fall that always feels like a chance for a fresh start. Perhaps it’s all the back-to-school buzz, which for much of our lives symbolized the beginning of a new year and a time to get focused.
While most of us won’t be heading back to class this fall, September is still the perfect time to get back into a fitness routine after the long, lazy days of summer and refocus your goals for the months ahead. Not quite sure where to begin? Just follow these five tips below and you’ll be back in a fitness rhythm in no time!
Photo by Emre Karatas on Unsplash
1) Set A Specific Goal
Having a clear cut long-term goal gives you something to focus on day-to-day. Instead of setting a generic goal like, “I want to get stronger”, make it specific. Maybe you want to shave a minute off your fastest race time, increase your endurance so you can run your first half marathon by the end of the year, or be able to bench x amount of weight in the gym. Whatever it is, write it down so you can actually see it. Every day when you wake up think about this goal and what it is you can do today to make progress towards it.
2) Make A Schedule
Every Sunday, sit down and plan out your fitness schedule for the week ahead. Do you want to go on one long run and a few shorter ones, take a workout class five days this week, practice yoga at least once? Write (or type) out exactly what it is you’re going to do, when, and where. Once these activities are on your calendar, treat them just like important meetings or appointments that you wouldn’t miss. If the time is set aside, you’ll find you have no excuses not to do it.
3) Find A Buddy
Skipping a workout is so much easier when there’s no one to hold you accountable. Instead of going it alone, sign up for a class with your BFF or plan to meet your buddy for an early morning run before work. Next time you feel like backing out, the thought of letting your friend down will discourage you from quitting. Plus, the social time will become something you look forward to and will make the workout go by so much faster!
4) Get The Right Gear
There’s something to be said for the power of proper gear. Treat yourself to a Large Pocket SPIbelt in one of our fun new fall prints so you have a place to stash your goods during your next workout. Maybe you’ve been eyeing a GPS watch so you can start tracking your miles more accurately, or a pair of wireless headphones so you don’t have to deal with getting tangled up in a cord anymore. Investing in quality gear will not only enhance your workout, but will keep you motivated to actually get out there and achieve your goals.
5) Switch It Up
Doing the same thing over and over can get boring very quickly. Not to mention, no fitness goal is ever achieved by doing just one type of workout. Throw a strength training day into your running mix, add a yoga class to your schedule to stretch out your muscles and increase flexibility, or instead of taking the same type of class four days a week, try something new two of the days. Switching it up will make you more fit all around and will keep things interesting so you never get burnt out.
How are you refocusing your fitness routine this fall? Tell us with #freetobefocused
Step into Fall with SPIbelts newest prints! Check them here!