How to Safely and Successfully Run in the Dark
Running in the dark can bring enhanced relaxation and tranquility - the cooler weather, the setting sun, and the peace of mind of having successfully completed yet another day. There’s a sense of ease you simply cannot find in the daylight.
No matter if running in the dark is a personal preference or your only option while juggling a busy schedule, running in the dark, although relaxing, can also feel a little daunting.
At SPIbelt, we’re here to help you be your best active self. That’s why we’ve gathered our top eight tips to help you successfully, and safely, run in the dark.
Wear Bright Clothes
Being visible while running in the dark is the easiest, yet most essential step you can take when prepping for a night run. Along with reflective gear, another thing you can do to make yourself visible at night is to wear bright and reflective clothes. On your next shopping trip, we recommend selecting bright neons like yellow, blue, and pink.
Wear Reflective Gear:
A piece of reflective gear will help make you visible to cars and other pedestrians, making it a must-have if you run at night. Many options are available in reflective gear like armbands, reflective vests, belts, harnesses and wrist straps. We recommend choosing reflective gear that’s lightweight and weather resistant like the SPIBEAMS ARMBAND. With 360 degrees of ultra-high visibility during low light hours, you’ll become more visible while running the roads.
Keep your phone and Safety essentials with you
If you’re setting off for a refreshing night run, it’s imperative to take your phone, keys, and ID card along for the ride. In case of an emergency or you happen to feel sick or get injured, you’ll be able to easily call for help. If you’re wondering where to store these belongings while you train, a running belt like the Reflective Running Belt Spibelt will become your new best friend! Not only is the belt reflective and bounce resistant, but it’ll comfortably hold your small personal items.
Turn off the Tunes
If you’re anything like us, you love to blast your favorite throwback during the most challenging part of your run! If you’re setting off for a night run though, we recommend listening to a few of your favorite tracks before you start your miles, and then turning off the tunes while on the road. Since it’s important to listen to your surroundings while running in the dark, we recommended taking this newfound quiet time and turn it into a meditative practice. Listen to your thoughts, enjoy the birds chirping around you, and feel proud as you hear your runners hit the pavement with each new step.
Plan your Routes
Us runners often like to stick to the same routes while running, but routes that are beautiful during the day might turn more dangerous as the sun goes down. While planning night run routes, focus on areas that you know will be well lit, well populated, and located somewhere you feel comfortable.
Take someone with you
We all know the old saying - there’s safety in numbers, and that couldn’t be more true when it comes to night running! Running with a buddy will not only increase your margin of safety, but it also provides a fantastic time to catch up with a good friend. If your running buddies are often busy at night, we recommend heading over to where you can find numerous running groups in your area. Not only will you feel more safe while running with a larger group, but it’s the perfect opportunity to meet new friends and keep accountable to your running goals.
Tell someone where you’re going
It’s never a bad idea to tell a friend or family member where you’re headed, no matter the time of day. During night runs, it’s even more important to let someone you’re close to know where you’re going and what path you’re taking. You can even turn on the location sharing services on your phone to feel extra secure.
Be Confident
No matter if you’re a new or seasoned runner, always remember that confidence is the key ingredient to a successful run, and to never underestimate the power of feeling confident. When you’re headed out for a night run (or any run for that matter), believe in yourself, feel proud of what you’re doing for your mind and body, and as always, have fun.
At the end of the day, if you’re planning to run in the dark, just remember that all it takes is a few extra safety measures in order to have a fun, enjoyable, and successful run.
The next time you head out for a night run, be sure to snap a photo of your SPIbelt reflective gear and share it with us on social media! Here’s to being your best active self.