Local Businesses That Are Giving Back To Our Community
Studio 512 (4-5-2020)
Austin Farm-to-Table Startup Partners with City Government and Local Central Texas Food Pantry to Combat Coronavirus Food Insecurity for Austin’s At-Risk
Good Apple’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy campaign will provide more than 60,000 pounds of organic, local produce, along with key pantry staples. Each week, participating elderly and immunocompromised citizens will receive a “no-contact” delivery containing approximately 30 pounds of food – enough for a full week of meals: seven breakfasts, seven lunches, and seven dinners – without requiring a trip the grocery store or pantry.
If you or someone you know is in Austin, 55+ or immunocompromised, and in need of assistance, sign up for the free Stay Home, Stay Healthy campaign.
Good Apple is an Austin-based produce delivery service on a mission to end food insecurity and food waste. Founded in 2019, Good Apple offers subscribers weekly, curated boxes of fresh, organic, local produce. For every box sold, Good Apple delivers an additional box of fresh food and pantry staples to a family facing food insecurity. For more information on Good Apple, visit www.goodapplefoods.com
Local Fashion Designer Makes Face Masks For Healthcare Workers
Brittany Allen is requesting donations to help purchase supplies to make N95 covers. For more information go to ShopBrittanyAllen.com/FaceMaskCoversRequests
You can donate via venmo @BrittanyAllen or paypal brittany@shopbrittanyallen.com
SPIbelt: Dedicated to the Austin Community
A local business is converting its facilities from a sports good store to a medical supplies factory. SPIbelt, is joining forces with Austin Emergency Centers starting an exchange program. Anyone with a medical-grade mask (unused) can exchange for a SPIbelt mask at the Austin Emergency Centers across the city. (Austiner.com)
The SPIbelt masks are public grade designed to slow the spread of the infection and helps people from touching their faces. “We knew we had to do something,” Overton says. “We are excited to partner with Austin Emergency Centers for this exchange program to get the necessary masks into the right hands of the medical industry in the frontline. We are hoping to make hundreds a day.” “Every doctor in the country is short of medical-grade masks right now,” says Dr. Luke Padwick, founder of Austin Emergency Centers. “If this process achieves getting us N95 masks for our emergency rooms, then it is a huge win as far as I’m concerned.” Non-medical grade masks don’t filter viruses, but are still useful for the public as barriers, Padwick says. “Number one, all of us touch our face about 100 times a day without realizing it. When you’re wearing a mask, when you touch a handle or doorknob then rub your eyes, nose or mouth, (the mask) will prevent you from putting the virus in you,” he says.
The SPIbelt masks are double-layered masks made of wicking material and elastic and are washable and reusable. “Our wicking material is great for these standard masks,” Overton says. “It’s keeping my team motivated and it’s for my own health too.” Kim was diagnosed with bronchial stenosis recently and contracted pneumonia just this past February, putting her in the high-risk category. In addition to working with the exchange program and donating disposable masks to area organizations in need, the SPIbelt masks will be available starting this week online at spibelt.com for consumers.
Austin Emergency Center now has drive-thru COVID-19 testing & COVID-19 assessment, by Emergency Room doctors. 8 AM to 8 PM at all 4 Austin locations. No appointment or referral needed.