Meet SPIbelt Ambassador, Jeremy!

Q & A
What is your biggest goal for 2021?
I want to beat all of my running PRs this year! So for all of my races that is: 5K under 21 10k under 45 HM 1:40 or less Marathon 4:00 or less 1500 miles total for the whole year.
What is your favorite SPIbelt product?
The classic SPIbelt is my favorite product. It was the first running belt I ever used and it allowed me to run further than I ever dreamed of since I could carry my small items with me. I used to be afraid I would lose my keys or drop my phone and the SPIbelt literally gave me the peace of mind to focus on my fitness instead of what was in my hands (and socks and pockets haha).
What Is your favorite activity to do with your SPIbelt?
Definitely running, but I also use it for hiking, walking, and general travelling.
3 of your go-to workout songs:
Drogba (Joanna) by Afro B
Before I Let Go by Beyonce
Boasty by Wiley
Coolest place you have taken your SPIbelt?
I took my SPIbelt with me on a trip to Paris and wore it all throughout France as a safe way to store my belongings.
What quote or motto keeps you motivated?
It doesn’t get easier, you just get stronger.