Meet SPIbelt Ambassador, Meg!

Q & A
What is your biggest goal for 2021?
To finish my first year of pharmacy school and complete my first Ironman despite being injured.
What is your favorite SPIbelt product?
The large pocket SPIbelt! I use this to carry my phone and keys with me while exercising, whether it be when running or cycling. The large SPIbelt helps carry larger phones, which makes it convenient to make sure I have everything I need with me.
What Is your favorite activity to do with your SPIbelt?
3 of your go-to workout songs:
(1) I'd Love to Change the World Matsuba Remix by Jetta/Matsuba (2) Feels - Jai Wolf Remix by Kiiara/JaiWolf, (3) Oasis by Kygo/Foxes
Coolest place you have taken your SPIbelt?
Yehliu, Taiwan
What quote or motto keeps you motivated?
though she be but little, she is fierce