KOfit: Lower Body Workout
This well-rounded series of lower body moves was designed to trigger and tone every muscle in your lower body, with special emphasis on glutes. Without weights, you’ll feel the effectiveness in 24-48 hours. Do not attempt these moves if you currently have knee, hip or ankle pain.

- Start with one leg up, hands at your side.
- Swing your arms for momentum as you leap to one side, land softly, keep eyes and chest up throughout and toes pointed forward. Repeat in a continuous motion leaping left to right.
Pro Tip: This dynamic exercise may take practice, but is extremely effective. Try to do this one in front of a mirror to ensure back is flat, toes are forward and eyes are up. It works your glutes, hams, plus inner and outer thighs.

- Start with one leg up, hands on hips.
- Step out into a curtsy, both feet facing forward, keep hands on hips, eyes and chest raised.
Pro Tip: Slowly lower into your curtsy, do not let your hip level drop below your knee in front.

- Start with one leg up, chest up, eyes forward, one hand ready to touch down.
- Reach as close to the ground as you can keeping eyes forward and back flat.
This is essentially a one-legged dead lift without weights. Keep a flat back and don’t look down. As you rise, push through your heel and contract your glutes.

- Start with one leg up, hands on hips.
- Step leg out to a wide lunge, slowly lower into a deep lunge and push yourself back to a one-legged stance with hands remaining on your hips.
Pro Tip: Do not lower your hips below your knee level. Keep your eyes and chest up from start to finish. Make sure your toes are pointing forward.

- Start in a tip-toed stance, toes slightly turned out, arms out to the side.
- Slowly lower into a deep squat while holding a tip-toe and arms out.
Pro Tip: Do not let your hip height go below your knees.

- Start with hands behind your head, one leg straight in the air, butt slightly lifted from the ground.
- Push through your heel on the ground to press your raise foot into the air as high as you can.
Pro Tip: Focus on your glutes as you press your raised foot into the air. Feel the glutes burn!
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